Home Health Care: Is your elderly loved one on any kind of diet right now?
Maybe, they were told by their doctor that they needed to start eating healthier, so they just started any diet they could find. It may have some benefits for them, but it may not be doing as well as it could. Did you know that many senior citizens find the Meditteranean diet to be quite beneficial? Learn more about how your elderly loved one can get started with this diet in some easy steps. A home health care provider can be a huge help with this.
Taking Little Steps
The first, and one of the most important tips, for starting any diet is to take things slowly. If your elderly loved one is going to start the Meditteranean diet, they need to take little steps at a time. If they rush into the diet all in, they may be more likely to fail and start eating unhealthy again. With this in mind, be sure you or your elderly loved one’s 24-hour home care providers share the following tips with them.
Eliminate Red Meat, Eat Fish
Research shows that red meat can lead to many health issues. It can cause inflammation in the body and even increase the risk of certain types of cancer. If you are trying to help your elderly loved one be healthier, remind them to eliminate red meat in their diet and eat fish instead. Senior citizens should try to eat fish a few times a week. However, if your elderly loved one is a steak eater, just have them start by swapping one of those steaks for a fatty fish. After they get used to doing that, in a few weeks, they can make another swap.
Choosing the Right Snacks
What types of snacks does your elderly loved one eat right now? Are they eating bagged chips or chocolate chip cookies most days? If this is the case, you should talk to your elderly loved one about snacks that are on the Meditteranean diet. Some of these snacks include:
-Whole-grain crackers
-Trail mix
You or a home care provider should have your elderly loved one start by picking one unhealthy snack that they eat most days and replace 2 of those days with a healthy snack from this list. By making these small changes, your elderly loved one is less likely to feel they are missing out on the things they enjoy.
Home Health Care: Conclusion
These are some of the tips for helping your elderly loved one to start a Mediterranean diet. Remember, to have them take things slowly. If they need someone to be by their side as they start this journey, you can always hire 24-hour home health care providers to do that for them.
If you or someone you know needs Home Health Care in Rochester, MN, contact Adara Home Health Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services for many fragile or senior members in the communities we serve.
Call us at (888) 660-5772 for more information.