If your elderly family member isn’t getting the sleep she needs, her whole well-being suffers. It’s difficult for her brain to work, and it’s more challenging for her body to do what she wants it to do. Here are some ideas for possible causes of sleep problems.
The Temperature in Her Room Is Off
If her bedroom is too warm or too cool, your elderly family member may have trouble sleeping. It’s a good idea to set the thermostat in a comfortable position before she heads to bed but has other options. An extra blanket she can quickly grab or a fan she can switch on from the bed helps her adjust the temperature accordingly.
The Room Is Too Bright or Too Dark
Besides temperature, another problem could be light. If the room is too dark or too bright, it might be enough to affect your senior’s ability to sleep. She may also find that waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom makes her nervous if the room is too dark. Finding ways to accommodate those concerns helps.
She’s Using Electronics Before Bed
Electronic devices like tablets and even televisions can emit blue light, making it more difficult for your senior’s brain to shut down when she’s ready to go to sleep. Avoiding those devices or using blue light filtering glasses before bed can help quite a bit.
She’s Uncomfortable Alone at Night
If your elderly family member is suddenly finding that it’s difficult or uncomfortable to be alone at night, she may need home care to stay with her. This is a common situation that can slowly creep up on your senior. Knowing that an elder care provider is there with her overnight can allow her to relax enough to get some sleep.
Her Sleep Routine Is Not Supportive of Good Sleep
When you think about your senior’s sleep routines, you might not realize that they start in the morning. If your elderly family member doesn’t have a solid and consistent wake-up time in the morning, she might be sleeping too late and setting herself up for trouble sleeping at night. Look at her routines and see if adjustments might be helpful.
She’s Experiencing Side Effects from Medications
Medication side effects are no joke for seniors. Even medications your elderly family member has taken for a while can suddenly leave her with sleep-disrupting side effects. It’s a good idea to talk to her doctor to see if there are adjustments that might help.
She’s Not Active Enough Each Day
If it’s difficult for your elderly family member to be as active as she needs to be during the day, that can also factor into sleep issues. Home care providers can help your elderly family member to stay on target with her daily routines. They also assist with being safely active. That extra help can give your elderly family member enough activity to rest at night.
Are you still seeing sleep issues in your senior after trying these ideas? There might be more going on, and her doctor can help figure it out.