If your senior parent is living alone and they plan on remaining in their family home as they get older, they could benefit from occupational therapy. Occupational therapy sounds serious but really it’s a collection of targeted exercises that are designed to help seniors maintain muscle memory, strength, dexterity, and flexibility so that they can continue to do the things they need to do to live independently as they get older. Occupational therapy can be done one-on-one or in groups. And it can be done almost anywhere, including at home. You can even work on occupational therapy exercises with your senior parent.
Are Lonely or Isolated
Seniors who are living independently but are lonely or isolated or at risk for being lonely or isolated can benefit from group occupational therapy. Often, group occupational therapy sessions are held at senior centers or in public places where seniors can gather. Your senior parent can meet new people and make new friends while they are developing grip strength, dexterity, and other important elements that will them now and in the future. Tossing a ball around and playing games with other seniors is a fabulous way for seniors that are lonely to make friends.
Have Degenerative or Chronic Conditions
Seniors that have inflammatory conditions or chronic conditions like fibromyalgia or arthritis can benefit quite a bit from occupational therapy. Occupational therapy may not be able to stop the progression of degenerative diseases but it can slow down the deterioration of joints and muscles. The simple movements involved in occupational therapy exercises are fantastic for helping seniors retain the ability to move and use their fingers, hands, and feet.
Want to Live at Home
If your senior parent really wants to stay living on their own as they get older occupational therapy can help make that possible. One of the most common reasons why seniors end up not being able to live alone is that they can’t do basic tasks like brush their teeth, open a cabinet, or put away a dish because they lose grip strength, dexterity, and the ability to hold weight. Starting occupational therapy now can help seniors in the future by strengthening their joints and muscles, helping seniors stay flexible, and improving their overall ability to live on their own.
Want to Have Fun
If your senior parent isn’t having enough fun, occupational therapy is a great way for them to have some fun and get in a great workout that will help them in the future. The exercises used in occupational therapy are based on games so they are fun to do. While the actions that your senior parent is performing are therapy and will help them they feel like games. Easy fun exercises that do just as much good as more strenuous workouts are a great way for seniors have fun and get healthy.
If you or someone you know needs Occupational Therapy in Granite Falls, MN, contact Adara Home Health. We provide quality and affordable home care services for many fragile or senior members in the communities we serve. Call us at (888) 660-5772 for more information.