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National Family Caregivers Month happens each November. When did you last take a break? Here are some of the ways to take that break. Most importantly, there are also reasons why you need to take breaks.


Homecare in Fairmont MN: National Family Caregivers Month
Homecare in Fairmont MN: National Family Caregivers Month


Sandwich Generation Caregivers Find It Hard to Balance Schedules

The sandwich generation is those who find themselves caring for a child at the same time as caring for a parent. It tends to be the people in their 40s or 50s. It’s not time to retire yet, so many are also working and saving for retirement. It’s hard to manage it all.

Statistically, people in this age group are providing about 24.5 hours of care per week. About 25 percent spend more than 40 hours providing care. When balancing that with 40 hours of work each week and commute times, it’s overwhelming. That stress impacts physical and mental health.


What Happens When You’re Stressed?

There are a few things that stress does. If it’s not managed, it can affect your immune system. It can make your heart race, blood pressure increase, and lead to mood swings.

If you’re feeling particularly stressed, you may take it out of your parents by yelling at them or making hurtful comments. You’ll feel bad, and they will too. They’ll see themselves as a burden and stop asking for help. Don’t let that happen. Make sure you’re finding a way to release the stress.


Eat Well and Get Enough Exercise

Make sure you’re making nutritious food choices. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Eat plenty of whole grains for the fiber and B vitamins. Choose lean proteins and add fish as much as possible for the omega-3 fatty acids. Finally, make sure you’re getting enough dairy for calcium and vitamin D.


Take an Hour a Day to Unwind

Before the stress builds, it’s important to take breaks. An hour a day in a bubble bath, getting a massage, or attending a Yoga class are all ways to de-stress. Make sure you find time to take those breaks.


One of the most convenient ways to take breaks during National Family Caregivers Month is through the use of home care services. Step out to run errands, have time alone, or go out with friends or family members. While you’re away, a professional caregiver helps your parents. Call a home care agency to discuss rates and possible services.


If you or someone you know needs hiring Homecare in Fairmont, MN, contact Adara Home Health Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services for many fragile or senior members in the communities we serve. Call us at (888) 660-5772 for more information.


