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In 20 years, the rate of stroke cases declined by 33 percent. While it’s hard to know exactly why. There is a belief that better detection of high blood pressure and cholesterol and increased use of blood pressure and cholesterol medications may help. Diets that reduce sodium and fat intake also help.



Elder Care in Rochester MN: Stroke Tips
Elder Care in Rochester MN: Stroke Tips


Even with this decline, you need to know all about FAST. The earlier you recognize the signs of a stroke, the faster your mom or dad gets urgent treatment. To do this, memorize the acronym FAST.


What is FAST?

FAST is an acronym used to make it easy to recognize the signs of a stroke. This acronym is easy to remember. Here’s the breakdown:

F (face),
A (arm),
S (speech),
T (take action).

When a person has a stroke, the face will drop on one side. One side of the body goes numb and it will be hard for the person to keep an arm raised. Speech is affected and will be slurred or doesn’t happen at all. Take action at that point by calling 911 and getting paramedics to get your mom or dad to the hospital.


What Happens at the Hospital?

In the hospital, tests are performed to figure out what type of stroke occurred. If it’s a ruptured blood vessel, treatment is not going to be the same as it would be for a blockage. You can’t give blood thinners to someone who had a brain bleed. Expect your mom or dad to go through a CT scan and/or MRI.


Rehabilitation services start soon after.

The goal is to get your parent swallowing properly to prevent aspiration pneumonia. Exercises to keep the body moving to prevent blood clots and build up strength in the arms and legs are also performed. If pneumonia does set in, a feeding tube, sedation, and a high dose of antibiotics may become necessary.

Once stabilized and out of the danger zone, your mom or dad would move to a facility for rehabilitation if the home is not equipped for walkers or wheelchairs due to stairs or narrow doorways. Take this time to make upgrades to the home that will support your parent’s recovery.


At home, your mom or dad will work with caregivers and in-home rehabilitation services.

You will need elderly care services to help your parent during this stage of the recovery. Medication reminders, transportation, meal preparation, personal care, companionship, and housekeeping are some of the services you need to consider. The doctor will help you figure out what’s needed.


After a stroke, elderly care services are important to your mom or dad’s recovery. Elderly care professionals will help with ambulation, personal care and hygiene, meals, medication reminders, and appointments. Your parent will not be allowed to drive after a stroke. Transportation services are also available. Call an elderly care agency to learn more.


If you or someone you know needs hiring Elder Care in Rochester, MN, contact Adara Home Health Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services for many fragile or senior members in the communities we serve. Call us at (888) 660-5772 for more information.
