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Elder Care in Fairmont MN: Winter Care Plan

Elder Care: What is the plan for your parents’ care throughout the winter?

If you can’t get to their house during or after a winter storm, who checks on them? Have you ever stopped to think about what they’ll need to take care of before a storm, and how they’ll do it if they rely on you to help? Elder care can be a big help with this.

It’s an excellent time to think about winter care plans. Prepare for situations in advance so that your parents have the best possible care when a storm hits or temperatures drop below freezing for days or weeks. Take these things into consideration as you build a care plan.

Are They Stocked With Essentials?

Do your parents have the essential items they need? If there’s a storm that keeps them from going out for a week or two, do they have two weeks of groceries? If they can’t use electricity, do they have perishables they can eat?

They should have plenty of canned items like canned tuna and vegetables. They may also need water bottles if they have a well that requires electricity for the pump.

Is There a Plan in Place For Extended Power Outages?

What about heat? If power is out for several days, will your parents stay warm enough? Is someone available to check on them and get them to a warm location if it’s too cold for them to remain in their home?

What Are Their Health Needs?

You have to think about your mom’s and dad’s health needs. Your dad has COPD and requires oxygen. If the power goes out for an extended period, will his oxygen concentrator run out of backup battery power? Is someone able to check and make sure he’s okay?

Your mom needs medications to lower her blood pressure. Is someone making sure she has enough of her prescription left if a storm makes it hard to get to her house for a week or two? Can she get refills delivered to her home?

If urgent health issues may make it unsafe for your parents to stay in their home during a long storm, do they have a safe place to go? Could they stay with you for a few weeks? Would it help to have 24-hour caregivers available at their home if you live too far away to help?

Schedule Elder Care Services

Arrange to have caregivers stopping by and make sure your parents are fine and have everything they need. This is especially important when storms are coming. An elder care aide can make sure your parents’ heating system is functioning correctly.

Elder care providers can also make sure someone is scheduled to clear sidewalks, vents, and driveways. They can stock your parents up on food and water. Call an elder care agency to learn more.

If you or someone you know needs Home Health Care in Rochester, MN, contact Adara Home Health Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services for many fragile or senior members in the communities we serve.
Call us at (888) 660-5772 for more information.