In the U.S. about 800,000 people have a stroke each year. For a quarter of those people, it’s not their first stroke. If your mom has a stroke, it’s important to arrange home care services. Your family needs help as your mom recovers. May is National Stroke Awareness Month, and it’s a good time to talk openly about home care.
What can home care do that you can’t? It’s more a case of easing your daily to-do list. Depending on the severity, your mom is going to need help with mobility, hygiene and personal care, meal preparation and eating, and transportation. That’s just a start.
Your mom cannot drive after a stroke. Even if she feels fine and her abilities seem okay to you, there is that risk that her reaction times aren’t as quick as they were. She may not have the same vision she had. She has a higher risk of a repeat stroke. Doctors are going to urge you to arrange transportation services for her.
She’ll need safe rides to her appointments. She needs someone to drive her to stores. She needs rides to other area businesses, senior centers, and public buildings.
Ambulation and Mobility
Some stroke victims need a wheelchair after a stroke. Your mom may need help getting in and out of bed and a shower. She may need someone to transfer from a sofa or chair to her wheelchair. She’ll need help getting in and out of a car.
If she doesn’t need a wheelchair, she may require a walker or cane. She may not need as much help as she will need in a wheelchair, but she’ll still need help getting around.
Your mom may not be as coordinated as she was. Lifting a spoon or fork is impossible. She needs help cutting her foods, bringing the item to her mouth, and supervision while she chews. She may need a soft diet for a while. She needs someone to cook meals for her and do the dishes after.
Hygiene and Grooming
With limited use of her extremities while she’s going through physical therapy, your mom needs someone to help her bathe. She needs help brushing her hair and teeth. She needs someone to floss her teeth after she’s brushed them.
She may need help getting dressed. Toileting is another area where she’s going to need help. She may always need these services. If she recovers, she may no longer need them. Home care services are adjusted to meet her needs.
Have services added or dropped as her abilities change. Increase the number of days caregivers are with her or space them farther apart. It’s up to you to arrange home care so that it matches what helps your family the most.
If you or someone you know needs hiring Elderly Care in Buffalo, MN, contact Adara Home Health Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services for many fragile or senior members in the communities we serve.
Call us at (888) 660-5772 for more information.