As the holidays approach, it is important that you help your elderly loved one to manage their stress levels.
Many people, including the elderly, get extremely overwhelmed around holidays. There are many reasons for this. One of the main reasons is because there is so much to do – shopping, visiting family members, parties, and more. However, there are some tips that can help you and senior care providers to help your elderly loved one out this year around the holidays.
Remember, Every Day Won’t Be the Same
One of the things that you need to remember is that every day won’t be the same. Your elderly loved one might be thrilled about visiting their family members one day. However, the next day they might refuse to go anywhere. Do your best to remember that your elderly loved one has a right to stay home if they want or need to. You can always have a senior care provider stay with your loved one while you go to visit the family.
Have Gratitude
One of the ways that you can help your elderly loved one to manage their holiday stress is by having gratitude. You can also get your elderly loved one to show their gratitude. There are numerous gratitude activities you can do with your loved one during the holidays. You can bake cookies with them and share those with loved ones. You can make ornaments together. Doing things with your elderly loved one will help them to show their gratitude. In addition, it can help them to know they aren’t alone for the holidays. This, alone, can help to reduce their stress.
Simplicity is Best
If your elderly loved one seems to get stressed around the holidays, keeping things simple can reduce that stress. When you think about the plans for the holidays, remember that your elderly loved one might not want to do everything. They might want a small, short get-together with family and friends. A long, drawn-out family event might not be best for your elderly loved one. Keep this in mind when making any plans for your loved one around the holidays. If you must make more complex plans, ask your elderly loved one if they would prefer to stay at home with the senior care provider.
These are some of the ways that you can help your elderly loved one to manage their stress levels. If you and senior care providers can help your loved one to keep their stress levels low around the holidays, they can enjoy themselves much more.
If you or someone you know needs Home Care Services in Rochester, MN, contact Adara Home Health Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services for many fragile or senior members in the communities we serve.
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