Half an hour of exercise is the goal every adult should meet. How well does your mom do? September 30th is National Women’s Health and Fitness Day and a good time to try something new. If your mom’s idea of daily exercise is a walk around the neighborhood with her dog, get her to try one of these exercise programs.
Aerial Yoga
Has your mom watched the music artist Pink soar up in the air doing aerial acrobatics? One trending exercise class lets her try it on her own. Beginner’s Aerial Yoga involves a fabric swing that’s attached to the ceiling and helps her build muscle while swinging and stretching. She’s not high off the ground at 30 inches, so she doesn’t have to worry about a long fall to the cushions.
Here’s an interesting exercise that involves using your feet to write out letters and numbers on the floor. It’s done to the beat of the music. Your mom doesn’t have to follow a specific dance routine. She can make up her own moves as she goes. As long as she’s drawing the letter or number that’s called out to the beat, she’s going to do well.
Bollywood Dance
It’s not exactly new to some, but others are catching on. Put on a video that teaches your mom how to dance Bollywood style. It can be a workout, so choose beginner videos to start. As she builds strength, balance, and stamina, you can add in harder routines.
One trend is to combine two exercise styles into something new. Your mom could experience a fused Pilates and Yoga class or enjoy a cross of boxing and dance.
If she likes the idea of boxing to a beat, she might want to consider getting a game system and a game like Just Dance. Songs like “Eye of the Tiger” require her to box to the beat, and she gets points for each punch she throws correctly.
Armed with weighted drum sticks, your mom learns to drum to the beat from a standing position. The fitness program crosses the movements found in Pilates with the arm motions used when drumming. It can be targeted to meet your mom’s level and can be done from a seated position if she needs it.
Does your mom need some encouragement to get enough exercise? Is she nervous doing things without someone else there to supervise? Elderly care services are helpful in these situations. Elderly care aides can be there with your mom while she exercises. She has peace of mind knowing she has a person there in case she falls or stretches a muscle and gets enough exercise.