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Pediatric home care providers can help with infant nebulizer treatments.

Nebulizers gently heat up and atomize medication that your baby needs to inhale into her lungs. The medication becomes a mist that flows into a mask that fits over your baby’s nose and mouth. Nebulizer treatments are effective for conditions like asthma or respiratory illnesses.

However, it can be difficult to do the treatments on a young baby. Pediatric home care providers can help struggling parents with nebulizer treatments, infant care tips, and support to recuperate.

Swaddle the Baby if That Feels Calming for Her

Some babies don’t like to be swaddled, while others find it very soothing. Swaddling your baby before a breathing treatment can help to tone down some of the squirming that might happen if you or pediatric home care professionals don’t use the technique.

Experiment with swaddling to determine the type of pressure that your baby enjoys most. Sometimes, the blanket you use matters, too. Pediatric home care workers know the more comfortable your baby is, the easier it’s going to be to give her a breathing treatment.

Hold the Baby So She’s Upright

During the treatment itself, it can help to ensure that your baby stays as upright as possible. Changing the baby’s position even slightly to just a little closer to upright can make a big difference. This allows more of the medication from the nebulizer to move through her lungs, which is ultimately what you want from the treatment.

Perhaps it is important for you to give these treatments to your baby yourself. Pediatric home care services can help with extra hands and support so you can administer treatments safely and efficiently.

Timing Can Matter a Lot

If your baby is wide awake and super active, that might not be the best time for a treatment she needs to stay still to receive properly. Choosing times when your baby is more likely to want to stay still can help quite a bit. That’s why doing treatments near bedtime or after a meal or snack can be a good idea. You may need to try a few times to see which ones work best for your baby.

Get Some Expert Help if You’re Still Having Trouble

Sometimes, no matter how much you try, you just can’t seem to get a handle on a therapy or treatment. That’s where pediatric home care can be truly helpful. Experts in pediatric home care can help you give your baby nebulizer treatments, show you some tips that can help in your specific situation, and be there while you and your baby get used to this new treatment method.

For some babies, nebulizer treatments are a therapy that they need only temporarily to resolve a specific health issue. If your child needs breathing treatments for a longer period, you’ll likely become an expert very quickly.

If you or someone you know needs Pediatric Home Care in St. Cloud, MN, contact Adara Home Health. We provide quality and affordable home care services for many fragile or senior members in the communities we serve. Call us at (888) 660-5772 for more information.